
"Sounds of a Dormant City"

It was a few minutes past midninght and she was walking back home from a nice and relaxing night out with the girls. The city was quiet and the smell of the toasted malt from the factories covered the air; the fog against the the street lights gave it a feel of mystery. It felt like something taken out of a film noire movie but in technicolor.

One taxi passed... another... nothing. Just silence. There was lights in the buildings but not a sound to be heard. It fitted the atmosphere and invited her to think.

She kept on walking and walking and walking while thinking about how things change, how life is like a rollercoaster, sometimes up, sometimes down and always in a rush, realising for the first time how exciting it is, in its own twisted and masochistic way.

It feelt unreal, like in a dream inside a dream. Never starting, never ending...and suddenly...she was already back home.

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